This website was created to share stories, spoken word, letters, poetry or any other form of writing that speaks to you. To those we love in both good times and bad. This is where I will share my experiences from some of my darkest places, the moments of gratitude I have let radiate through because of what the experience brought into my life, how I am able to grow, what it did to propel me into right now, how it is affecting the choices I make today, and how it has become a driving force of motivation in my life. This is where peace meets anger and hope meets surrender. This is where everything that drives me away from myself pulls me back in with courage and a humble heart.
This is where I invite you to follow along on my journey and share your own moments of learning in love. Where there is no judgment, only acceptance of your experience in life. This is where we rise together from solitude and find the appreciation in our lives - every single gift, every single day. This is where we become unstoppable power and infinite love.
Loves Always