Illusion of Love

There was love in her heart for him,

Love and care that penetrated the barriers -

he built,

that brought their love down.

What she didn’t know

was about the insurance policy

she purchased when she invited him into her life.


He had stipulations that she

would never meet,

secret arrangements that she

would never know,

and guarded reasons that she

would never understand.


As all new lovers do, they carried on.


And as the days passed and the minutes ticked by

the romance depleted,


leaving her questioning

her heart and her mind.

She could see

patience was losing pace

running a thin line

in this evolving cutthroat race.

Harnessing the fire

living inside her,

she took out her spackle

to mend the cracks in the deteriorating walls

of the home

built on a foundation of

mud-soaked floors,

rotten and molding,

slowly poisoning her sanity.


Still, she carried on.


She looked to the people around her,

few and far between, for

the audience was fleeting.

Isolation was building,

suffocating brick by brick,

sucking the life out of her.

She spent countless hours

forcing the show to go on.

The window display had become

the illusion of their life.

Her resilience continued to radiate through, although

loneliness enveloped every inch of her

bringing her to tears, but…


She carried on.


Rushing headfirst

into days of silence and nights of anger,

her hushed tones and simple compliance

filled the house and became

the agreement for reconciliation.

Resting faults delicately on her shoulders

and blame at her feet.


Jaded views allowed him

to turn her into a possession.

He toyed her heart,

tethering a rope from his to hers,

waiting for the moment to burn the crumbling house

to the ground.


Using a carefully crafted key

forged in the fire of his ancestors,

he unleashed the pandora’s box

of her insecurities

with sharp words and subtle threats

that empowered her inner demons

that flew past her heart

and into her mind

tearing her down one thought at a time.


And when she finally found herself

encompassed by the black heart he

held over her head,

she accepted her defeat and settled in.

Numbing her reality

to allow pain

to become peace.

For her judgment was gone

her shame was her truth

and her hope laid open and exposed

begging for mercy.

Yet she ignored the call

And found solace in boredom

surrendering to his default settings

for her

that allowed her to simply survive.

She accepted her fate

for fear to move on

had become stronger than her fear to stay.


So she did.


Trapped in the desolate wasteland

Of her life,

Dying to leave

But dying as she stayed

Wrapped in the illusion of love


Purest Gold


To All Those Struggling To Find The Words