Am I Good Enough?
Photo by Berkan Kucukgal
Am I good enough?
There are moments of doubt that linger in my head and provoke unwarranted thoughts of ‘Am I good enough?’ I spend hours thinking to myself, sometimes too much, about the talent and skills I believe I have. Questioning if success is attainable with them or if my natural talents are useless.
When it boils down to it and when I check through my seven stages of why, I find the desire for my success comes from the fire boiling in the base of my soul, to show my future family they can do anything and make their dreams come to life. My other purpose? To add value to the world. To leave this world greater than I came into it and make a mark that will connect individuals.
So yes! I do question whether I am good enough to do this. Whether my voice deserves to be heard. Whether my writing will speak to anyone or if it will be empty words on a page. And you know what, I question it almost every day, and that is okay.
I believe we all have something in life we are striving toward, big or small. Trying to get that promotion or start that workout routine. Maybe it’s trying to make small shifts to a diet. Maybe it’s practicing saying I love you to more people in your life or taking 60 seconds of silence for yourself every day. It could be so many things, but we are always working toward something. And whether you’ve been working at it for 1 day or 5 years, guess what? That beacon of doubt will come. There will be tests and moments of wondering what the fuck you are doing. It won’t stop. I wish I could tell you that it would.
This is the fun part- learn to validate and empower yourself. Write yourself sticky notes and put them everywhere. Set reminders on your phone. Schedule the time to achieve your goals. Ask your friends or family to remind you that you are doing a great job. Look at these things every single day and watch how those clouds of doubt start to turn into little whisps in the sky.
I am starting to structure my life to find ways out of that spot too! You are not alone, even if it feels like it. And while it isn’t easy, I do it anyway because I don’t want to look back on my life and wonder what if. I don’t want to look back and wish I had. I don’t want to regret a single moment of my life. That’s not in my cards, and that, I am sure of.
I can’t tell you what will make that feeling of doubt evaporate for you because we are all wonderfully different, but I can tell you this:
Keep going and don’t stop if your heart is in it.
Find your passions and live them. Allow them to breathe into your life and build you up.
On those dark cloudy days, where the thunder is booming insecurity after insecurity, telling you:
You can’t or You shouldn’t or You don’t matter or You aren’t enough
Put on your noise-cancelling headphones, walk into the storm, and then proceed to prove yourself right. Proving yourself right will be all the validation you need that you, indeed, are good enough.
Love Always